
Hyperautomation Artificial Intelligence

2019 Topology Optimization for Phononic Band Gap Maximization Considering a Target Driving Frequency


JMST Advances
Guilian Yi, Yong Chang Shin, Heonjun Yoon, Soo-Ho Jo, and Byeng D. Youn*
Citation Index
SCIE (IF: 0.0)
Vol./ Page
Vol. 1, pp. 153-159


A phononic crystal (PnC) is an artifcially engineered periodic structure that exhibits extraordinary phenomena, such as a phononic band gap. The phononic band gap refers to a certain range of frequencies within which mechanical waves cannot propagate through the PnC. The main purpose of this paper is to propose a topology optimization formulation for phononic band gap maximization that simultaneously takes into account a target driving frequency. In the proposed topology optimization formulation, a relative band gap is considered as an objective function to be maximized. In addition, an equality constraint is imposed on the central frequency of the band gap. The topology optimization problem is solved using the globally convergent method of moving asymptotes, which is a gradient-based optimization algorithm. Numerical examples are computed to demonstrate the efectiveness of the proposed topology optimization formulation.