2020 Intelligent Steam Power Plant Boiler Waterwall Tube Leakage Detection via Machine Learning-Based Optimal Sensor Selection
- Journal
- Sensors
- Date
- 2020-11
- Citation Index
- SCIE (IF: 3.4, Rank: 30.9%)
- Vol./ Page
- Vol. 20, No 21, pp. 6536
- Year
- 2020
- Link
- http://doi.org/10.3390/s20216356 949회 연결
Boiler waterwall tube leakage is the most probable cause of failure in steam power plants (SPPs). The development of an intelligent tube leak detection system can increase the efficiency and reliability of modern power plants. The idea of e-maintenance based on multivariate algorithms was recently introduced for intelligent fault detection and diagnosis in SPPs. However, these multivariate algorithms are highly dependent on the number of input process variables (sensors). Therefore, this work proposes a machine learning-based model integrated with an optimal sensor selection scheme to analyze boiler waterwall tube leakage. Finally, a real SPP test case is employed to validate the proposed model’s effectiveness. The results indicate that the proposed model can successfully detect waterwall tube leakage with improved accuracy vs. other comparable models.