
Hyperautomation Artificial Intelligence

회전체 시스템 고장 진단을 위한 이중 수준 가중치 기반의 다중 소스 도메인 적응 기법 개발


한국PHM학회 2024년도 정기학술대회
이진욱, 김태훈, 김용채, 백종화, 김주현, 정준하, 윤병동
Presentation Type


Transfer learning demonstrates strong capability in transferring knowledge for fault diagnosis across various 
working conditions or systems. However, in practical situations, multiple source domains of various working conditions or systems are available, and relying solely on a single source for transfer may yield sub-optimal outcomes. To solve the problem, multi-source domain adaptation based on dual-level weighting is proposed for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery. Dual-level weighting consists of sample-level and domain-level weights. First, sample-level weights aregenerated by assessing the envelope spectrum energy at the bearing characteristic frequency for each health state. Second, domain-level weights are calculated by the relative magnitude of the sample-level weight across each domain. A statistical distance, based on dual-level weights, is established to quantify the distance between each soruce and target domain. Minimizing this gap enables the transfer of valuable information from each source domain to the target, thereby enhancing the generalization performance of the target domain. Bearing datasets obtained from various systems are utilized to validate the efficacy of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method outperforms the existing multi-source domain adaptation-based fault diagnosis methods.