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Chapters in Books
“Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering Methodology Under Various Uncertainties and Multidisciplinary Applications,” Choi K. K., Youn B.D., Tang, J., Freeman, J. S., Stadterman, T. J., Peltz, A. L., and Connon, W. S.A., Chapter in Engineering Design Reliability Handbook, CRC Press, Chapter 36, 2004
“A Method to Predict the Reliability of Military Ground Vehicles Using High Performance Computing,” Lamb, David A., Gorsich, D., Krayterman, D., Choi K. K., Hardee, E.D., Youn B.D., and Ghiocel D., A Chapter in Engineering Design Reliability Handbook, Ft. Belvoir: Defense Technical Information Center, November 2006
“Advances in System Reliability Analysis under Uncertainty,” Hu Chao, Pingfeng Wang, and Youn B.D., A Chapter in Numerical Methods for Multiscale and Multiphysics, Springer, August 2014
“Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Skin and Its Application to Self-Powered Wireless Sensor Network,” Youn B.D., Yoon H.J., Jung B.C., Kim H.J., Cho C.M., and Kim Y.Y., A Chapter in Innovative Materials and Systems for Energy Harvesting Applications (Editors: Luciano Mescia, Onofrio Losito, and Francesco Prudenzano), Idea Group, U.S.A., DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8254-2.ch004, ISBN: 9781466682542, June 2015
“테크 스타트업 챔피언,” 서울대학교 공과대학, 지식노마드, ISBN: 9791192248196, February 2024